Thursday, April 25, 2013

Redbud Tree (an attempt at a sijo poem)


The tender purple buds unfold, becoming leaves of rich scarlet.
My life unfolds before my eyes, the fleeting youth has vanished.
The Sun and truth can burn, I take comfort in the shade of years.

Live for the Love of it,
The Happy Amateur

written for dVerse

image credit:

Publication! Публикация!

Хочу поделиться приятной новостью: литературный журнал "Слово/Word" (номер 77) напечатал некоторые из моих недавних стихов и переводов (ссылка на страницу в Интернете приведена чуть ниже).  Журнал издаётся более 20-ти лет, начинался под эгидой Сергея Довлатова при поддержке Иосифа Бродского.  Публикация в "Слове" - большая честь для меня.  Спасибо.
(Один досадный момент: в моей фамилии была допущена ошибка.  Правильное написание "Палмер", без мягкого знака.)

I want to share an exciting piece of news: a literary magazine “Слово/Word” has published some of my recent poems and translations.
(There has been an unfortunate misprint in my last name: it should read «Палмер», I hope it will be corrected soon.)

I am very happy and proud to be part of “Слово/Word” – a magazine that was founded more than twenty years ago under the auspices of Sergei Dovlatov with friendly support from Joseph Brodsky.  

Thank you.

Live for the Love of it,
The Happy Amateur

Friday, April 19, 2013

Protect your wordpress blog!

once again I encourage wordpress users to take steps to protect their blogs from hackers.  You might be unwillingly sending out spam or offensive material without even knowing it.  The person on whose wordpress blog a youtube video was posted did not know anything about the video, did not know the video was there.  Apparently, it was not visible to the owner of the blog, but it was to the blog visitors.  The video, as I only now realize, was not just stupid.  It was an offensive, I believe, anti-American message.  I feel that it celebrated the bombings in Boston.
Change your password.  Make it strong.  Do not use "admin" as your username.

Here's more info:

Live for the Love of it,
The Happy Amateur

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Wordpress Global Attack!


Apparently wordpress blogs are under a massive attack.  Might be a good idea to change your password and make it as strong as possible. Do not use "admin" as your username!

I was perplexed by a stupid youtube video I bumped into on the highly respected literary blogs, and this morning I read about the attack, and now it all makes sense.  Here's the article:

Stay alert!

Live for the Love of it,
The Happy Amateur

Thursday, April 11, 2013

"World's Most Beautiful Bookshop?"

Sorry, coffee shop, ads and books; yes, you too – you do not look good.  Disrespectful cannot be beautiful.  There are churches.  And there are bookstores.  

You would think that after all those "stints as a warehouse, an archive and a very ornate stone bicycle shed" this gorgeous thirteenth-century church in Maastricht, Netherlands would finally become what it is supposed to be.  No such luck.  Maybe, in another century or two.

It’s a shame.

Live for the Love of it,
The Happy Amateur

Monday, April 8, 2013

A little more respect, please

We were enjoying a beautiful day in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor, walking by the water.  My daughter pointed out a brass marker inset in the sidewalk.  She was so happy to see something written in Russian. 

Baltimore’s got a heritage trail that connects historical sites and museums of the city.  Along the trail you find brass markers that read “Heritage Walk” in various languages.

Well, the Russian marker reads «Наследство Гуляют».  Believe me, this is not “Heritage Walk.”  First of all, «гуляют» is a verb, not a noun.  The word «наследство» means “inheritance, legacy, fortune, heirloom.”  True, it may be used in a word combination «культурное наследство» which translates as “cultural heritage”, but the word “cultural” is essential.  The Russian verb «гулять» apart from “to take a walk” and other meanings, may mean “carouse, have a spree.”  So, here's what the Russian brass marker suggests (still in poor Russian): “Wasting their Inheritance.” 

The translation should have read: «Историческая Прогулка».

Now, how something like this could have happened, I wonder?  Did someone just Google the translation and choose the first thing that popped up without bothering to check anything?  Did someone even think of consulting a translator?  Or was it the same translator who wrote “peregruzka” (overload) instead of “perezagruzka” (restart) on the infamous “red button”?

Live for the Love of it,
The Happy Amateur