Saturday, January 14, 2012

'Where now? Who now? When now?'

Carry On Tuesday # 140
 Samuel Beckett provides the words of inspiration this week. They come from the opening line of his novel  'Unnameable'

Where now? Who now? When now?

Who am I?

What am I?

What’s beyond the endless sky?

When’s the hour?

Now there,

Look, your answer’s everywhere:

All is Him,

All is love,

He awaits us up above,

He will come,

He’ll forgive,

Until then just love and live.

Live for the Love of it,
The Happy Amateur


  1. Ah yes, love and live. A worth while message. Good advice. Visiting you from Carry on Tuesday. You will find me (Mary) there as well.

  2. Hi Mary! Thank you for visiting, I'll go visit you, too!

  3. Wise words indeed, and a message we should heed (rhyme not intended!) Thanks for your support of Carry On Tuesday. I really appreciate it.

    1. Thank you for visiting, Keith! I enjoy your prompts, thank you.

  4. the answer is everywhere indeed, simple and beautiful piece.
