Monday, February 6, 2012

'What I Want'

A writing prompt from Carry on Tuesday.  The first few words taken from a poem called In the Park by John Koethe:
This is the life I wanted, and I could never see

~ What I Want ~

My want I’d fallen into,
Then met somebody new,
And felt my want give in to
My growing need in you.

This is an old story -
We want, but what we get
Is what we need…I’m sorry,
But mine’s not over yet:

The best part is about
What happened to my need,
Which soon without a doubt
Became my want indeed.

This is the life I wanted,
Although could never see,
I left the want that daunted,
I found true want in thee!

Live for the Love of it,
The Happy Amateur


  1. Wisdom woven beautifully into a poem. Wonderful!

    1. Thank you, Janet! I wasn't sure if it was any good, but I rarely am sure anyway, so I decided to post. Glad I did :-)

  2. As Janet put it - beautifully woven words of wisdom ...
