A new exercise from Margo. Step-by-step instructions:
A) Look around you, or look around your mind, and choose
something, to start. Maybe you chose a sunflower, a wine glass, a pillow…
Whatever you choose, list four or five previously unthought of uses for it.
Begin each use with an imperative — an active verb– as if you are listing
directions for someone, as to its possible use.
Add a couple of lines about how your chosen thing looks. Remember to begin each
line with an imperative.
Bring in other sensory details. Add a line or two about how the thing feels, or
smells, or sounds. Continue beginning each line with an imperative verb.
Now you can play. You have your material. Add to it. Subtract from it. Yank
lines. Rearrange them. Place them in any order you think sounds, or feels
right. Leave the numbers, or not.
Here's the poem I came up with...can you guess what it is about?
it every day – and see nothing
a close look – see your features
its sizzling heat
its coolness
its tricky twin – go flying
it backwards – choose a bright color
it sing – and star in the show
its name in front of the crown – do not go there, won’t make you happy
its name again, add a terrace (ter it’s called sometimes) – work some magic.
Live for the Love of it,
The Happy Amateur
Visit Margo Roby at http://margoroby.wordpress.com/2012/08/21/the-event-poem-tuesday-tryout/
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