Saturday, April 4, 2015

Poetic Asides Poem-A-Day April Challenge Day 4: Departure

Hi, everyone.
How's your April going? 

Here's my wikem written for the Poetic Asides PAD challenge, day 4:

shielded from the wind
plentiful was his valley
he knew no hunger

the earth provided
all that he ever wanted
it held him gently

his woman was warm
like the earth kissed by the sun
rich like the valley

she was not angered
by the distant mountain peaks
he would leave her for

she knew him too well
she knew she never owned him
she knew he would go

“atop a mountain
the day is longer,” he said
atop a mountain

where the air is thin
where her frozen tears sparkle
all the long day through

Live for the Love of it,
Sasha A. Palmer (a.k.a. "Happy")


  1. love the ebb and flow of emotion woven through this! Wonderful,

    and Happy Easter!
