Saturday, April 1, 2017

Happy April!

I've got friends near and far
I've got springtime in a Mason jar!
I've got hope, I've got love
I've got everything I could dream of
I've got faith, strong and true
I've got springtime in a jar for you!

Live for the Love of it,
Sasha A. Palmer (aka Happy)


  1. I have Daffs and Forsythia trying to come back and Hyacinths are up too. Looking forward to more time out side.

    1. Me too.. We've had a bout of sickness in our household, but we're fighting it with all our might.
      Cannot wait to get outside, and dig, dig, dig :)

    2. I think gardening can be considered a sport! Stretch and prepare your body for the bending and kneeling. Use a knee mat. I forgot to use a knee mat and got a stone digging into my knee. I'm in the process of making a Plarn (plastic yarn) knee mat out of all the news paper bags I've saved over the winter. Doesn't matter if it gets dirty and I can use my hose to spray out bigger chunks of muck. Then pin it to the clothes line to dry.

      Keep mending! And be careful how you lift. I think I wasn't while shoveling and moving some mulch bags. So now I'm going to be extra careful...I suppose until I forget...

      Happy gardening. Do you know anything about moving fiddle head ferns? I did move some a while back and I think I want to move some more. Now with all the rain we had would be a good time to dig them up...maybe. I may have to get some more good gardening soil for the side yard where I want to plant them. One thing at a time.

      It's supposed to be back down to 30F tonight. So... I might have to wait another week.

    3. Jules, sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately, my gardening has to wait. I've got pneumonia for the first time in my life, and it's not fun. Much better now, but still coughing, and still feeling a lot of fatigue.Cannot wait to get well and strong, so I can tend my plants and battle those weeds!

      As for your question, no, I don't know anything about moving fiddle head ferns. I hope (if you tackled that project) it went well.

      Perfect weather now..for gardening, and for just being out there. Enjoy.
