Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Poetic Asides Poem-A-Day April Challenge Day 8: Dare

Eleanor Dare

Did she feel happy
standing in the ancient church
on her wedding day,

an artist’s daughter
marrying a bricklayer
a tiler – her man,

still a teenager
like herself – did she tremble
when he kissed her lips?

Did she feel happy
already aware of what
was lying ahead –

the dangers of the
questionable journey to
the unexplored shores,

their son or daughter
crossing the ocean in the
vessel of her womb?

Did she feel happy
in her probably short life?
I daresay she did.

Live for the Love of it,
Sasha A. Palmer ("Happy")

written for Poetic Asides


  1. I liked this very much - a fast moving narrative.

    1. Thank you, Mosk, nice to see you :-)

      I was moved by her story. Tried to imagine what it must have been like for her. My troubles didn't seem so bad all of a sudden - good to put things in perspective. Yet, I want to hope that she did know happiness.
