They are very popular in our neighborhood too, different colors. We've got two small red and pink bushes, and two big white ones. For some reason one of the white azalea bushes is in full bloom, but the other one right next to it is only just beginning to flower.
you must be about a month ahead of us...can't wait to see for-real blooms but these are a great prelude:)lovely!
ReplyDeleteAzaleas just started opening up today! Everything's happening a bit later this year actually, due to the, ahem, Canadian cold fronts that hit us :)
DeleteMine are just starting to bloom...
ReplyDeleteI've got white, though there are pink and deeper purple in the neighborhood.
They are very popular in our neighborhood too, different colors. We've got two small red and pink bushes, and two big white ones. For some reason one of the white azalea bushes is in full bloom, but the other one right next to it is only just beginning to flower.